I'm not suggesting you pump every minute

I'm not suggesting you pump Smart Sanitiz

http:// https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/smart-sanitizer-pro-uv-light-reviews-does-it-work-or-scam-2020-03-21

er Pro every minute of your day, but I honesty believe it's time for the much-aligned hand sanitizer, the alcohol-free one that is, to take its rightful place in society. Stop the injustice and the spread of Germcide X... get yourself an alcohol-free hand sanitizer today and stay healthy! You owe it to yourself, your family and your friends.

Gail MacDonald is a TotalShield Max business-owner and marketing expert. Always on-the-go, she is immersed in the entertainment, sports, shopping and special event scene. Gail is interested in staying healthy and fit by proactively managing her environment and minimizing the spread of germs whenever possible.

She strongly believes that prevention is priceless. To find out more about killing germs with an alcohol-free hand sanitizer visit GermFreeHandsOnTheGo